Enhancement: Event Venue

Scanova has added the ability to support online events along with physical events in the Event Venue component.

When designing landing pages (such as Wedding QR Code, Event QR Code), you can now add an online event link, which would allow the end-users to attend the event virtually.

You can view this feature via the QR Code category > Enter Content page.

Important Note: This feature is only available in the Event and Wedding QR Code categories.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@scanova.io

Enhancement: Upload File via File Manager

Scanova has improved the capability of designing landing pages linked with Dynamic QR Codes via the following enhancement in the File component—Upload File via File Manager.

Previously, we allowed files to be uploaded directly via your computer. With our new feature Upload File via File Manager, you can now upload files securely via Google Drive, OneDrive, or an external link/URL.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@scanova.io.

Enhancement: Show file/document on landing page

Scanova has improved the capability of designing landing pages linked with Dynamic QR Codes with a new design component—File

When designing landing pages (such as with Custom Page QR Code, Product QR Code, etc.), you can now add a button which when clicked, redirects to an uploaded file/document. 

To add this component on the landing page, simply click on File in the list of available components:

Note: You can add multiple file buttons on the landing page (upto 20). 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@scanova.io.

Enhancement: Add Map Location to Landing Pages

Scanova has improved the capability of designing landing pages linked with Dynamic QR Codes with a new design component—Map Location

When designing landing pages (such as with Custom Page QR Code, Product QR Code, etc.), you can now add a button which when clicked, redirects to a map location. 

To add this component on the landing page, simply click on Map Location in the list of available components:

Note: You can add multiple map location buttons on the landing page (upto 20). 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@scanova.io.